Put another wrapper, a poster, a rude or kind word in there, and that thought will also be reflected in the child's mind. After all, a child's brain is like a sponge, absorbing every drop of knowledge. But what happens next?
Next are the imposed ideas, a repressed psyche and loss of Self. The pressure in a crowded overhead callout is already so high that it is about to burst.
In addition, information planted on an unprepared soil can transform into ultra-radical and dangerous mutations... Children should not live in an information vacuum, should be interested in what is happening around them, including politics, learn to take responsibility for the processes taking place in society. Only the presentation of information should be neutral, objective, showing both sides of the coin and presented using terms and categories they understand.
Politics is a cynical and unsafe area for people unprotected by the armor of hypocrisy and contracts with conscience. We have an obligation to keep children from becoming a means of manipulation and monetization in the hands of politicians, PR men, and businessmen. I used white and black porcelain, as well as different types of polymers, to achieve my goal in “Poor Greta”. Even though Greta's face is puppet-like and expresses no emotion, the sculpture is permeated with current, it is not passive.